Are you noticing holes in your clothes or mysterious patches missing from your carpet? You may have a clothes moth infestation. These pests can wreak havoc on your belongings. Our comprehensive pest control treatment can effectively eliminate clothes moths from your home.
Clothes moths are fabric hungry little creatures, but their breeding habits are all about ensuring the next generation can dine on your favorite woolen jumpers. Here's a breakdown:
- Egg laying: After mating, the female moth, which doesn't even feed!, lays a bunch of eggs (around 40-50). These are tiny, about the size of a pinhead, and hidden well in dark, undisturbed areas like clothing folds, under rugs, furniture crevices, or even behind baseboards.
- Larvae hatch: In a few weeks to a month, depending on temperature, the eggs hatch into the destructive stage - the larvae. These are the ones that eat your clothes with gusto, munching on fabrics for up to 50 days!
- Pupation: After their fabric feast, the larvae spin a cocoon and pupate. They don't stop snacking though, even dragging their cocoons around while grabbing nibbles of fiber.
- Adult moths emerge: Finally, adult moths emerge from the cocoons ready to mate and start the cycle all over again. The adult lifespan is short, focused on reproduction, and they don't eat your clothes.
The whole cycle can take anywhere from 65 to 90 days, and with favourable conditions, they can reproduce multiple times a year from May to October. This rapid breeding is why it's important to catch an infestation early!